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DocsThesisTags Template

Tags Template

Thesis includes a predefined Tags page template that displays a list of all tags used in your publication.

Thesis theme Tags template

Creating the Tags Page

To create a page using the Tags template:

  1. Log in to Ghost admin
  2. Go to Pages, click New page
  3. Set the Page title
  4. Open the Page settings sidebar and specify the Page URL.
  5. Select the Page Tags template from the dropdown
  6. Click Publish

The theme includes built-in links to the Tags page in various templates. You can manage these links through the locales file.

If you want to use a different URL for your Tags page (e.g., β€œtopics” instead of β€œtags”):

  1. Create your Tags page with the desired URL as described above
  2. Open /locales/en.json and update the tags link:
    { "/tags/": "/topics/" }

To remove links to the Tags page from theme templates:

  1. Open /locales/en.json and set the tags link to false:
    { "/tags/": "false" }

Note: This will only remove the automatic links to the Tags page from theme templates. The page itself will still be accessible via its URL.