

New releases, improvements, fixes and notable changes for Thesis theme.

v1.7.0 - Jul 18, 2024

  • increased line clamp to 4 in the posts sidebar
  • changed layout from flex to grid to prevent layout shift problem in Posts
  • fixed posts sidebar loading duplicates on some screen sizes
  • fixed removed footer social links after AJAX page loading
  • fixed bottom bar click to icons not working correctly in some cases on Android FireFox
  • fixed Narrow template in Posts
  • fixed displaying scroll progress after AJAX page loading

v1.6.0 - Jun 15, 2024

  • added support for alphabetical order in tags lists. Learn more
  • reworked pagination and posts to use a single partial
  • changed cursor to pointer in dark mode toggle button
  • fixed slow page loading on large sites with a lot of posts

v1.5.0 - May 28, 2024

  • added support for code syntax highlight. Learn more
  • added support for internal tag #hide-posts-sidebar to hide posts sidebar in posts and pages with this tag
  • changed scroll progress size to 30px
  • fixed scroll progress button overflowing footer
  • fixed scroll progress after AJAX content rendered
  • fixed AJAX conflict with Offers link with redirect
  • minor fixes

v1.4.1 - May 8, 2024

  • improved the method for adding custom icons to navigation items. Now, you can use the menu item label instead of the slug, which is the preferred method
  • improved the content container size to stack correctly on multiple screen sizes. Previously, there was an issue with the content width being too small when using larger containers, this has now been resolved.
  • changed breakpoints for responsive styles
  • changed background colors of tag cards and tag circles in sidebar to match
  • fixed responsive styles for iframe embeds to only apply to video platforms like Vimeo, YouTube, and Kickstarter, maintaining the chosen height for all other embeds. There was a problem with Spotify embeds, now it is working correctly
  • fixed active tag link in sidebar
  • minor changes

v1.4.0 - May 1, 2024

  • added Social Sharing button to posts
  • added alt attribute to the post author photo
  • changed lists text color
  • changed tag cards background color if no image specified (better contrast)
  • fixed paid posts CTA section button links
  • fixed scroll top button displaying in Safari
  • fixed checkbox and radio buttons in Safari
  • fixed tag cards width in Safari
  • fixed body scroll when open Ghost search and navigate to previous page
  • minor fixes

v1.3.0 - Apr 19, 2024

  • !IMPORTANT: there are breaking changes. Read this changelog to understand what exactly changed
  • changed tags:
  • added a lot of style changes and improvements for content elements and cards
  • added support for sidebar navigation categories
  • added responsive table support
  • added styles for checkbox and radio in forms
  • added tooltip for icons in the posts list (featured and paid posts)
  • improved mobile sidebar and navigation - more intuitive toggles now
  • improved dark mode colors (now lighter)
  • improved secondary menu dropdown, and dark mode dropdowns:
    • opened by click
    • WCAG compatible
  • fixed 3rd-party comments loading after AJAX
  • fixed page loading animation stretching content
  • fixed displaying Socials section in sidebar when no social links added
  • fixed invalid HTML in head section
  • fixed icon color in select
  • fixed displaying description on tag page
  • fixed Twitter embed loading after AJAX
  • fixed click on links with portal hash (skip AJAX for such links)
  • fixed reloading page when clicking on the current page link
  • changed predefined icons for sign up and account pages in sidebar
  • a bunch of minor style improvements

v1.2.0 - Mar 21, 2024

  • added new smooth and modern animation for page transition (when navigate over the site)
  • added support for navigation separator
  • added blog templates: Blog, Blog Grid, and Blog Empty
  • added posts list in the Empty Blog template on small screen, so use can see posts even when sidebar is hidden
  • added max height to the logo CSS to prevent it from being too large
  • improved theme code, to deeply work with our framework script
  • simplified dark mode code inserted in the head
  • improved dark mode colors
  • fixed homepage hero jumping on fist load
  • fixed some strings missing translation
  • fixed large dropdown menu - added possibility to scroll it
  • fixed current link color in mobile menu
  • fixed rendering of some bold fonts on iOs devices
  • renamed Categories to Tags, as it is more accurate for Ghost
  • minor changes and fixes

v1.1.2 - Mar 10, 2024

  • fixed missing locales folder in the theme zip

v1.1.1 - Mar 6, 2024

  • added support for Lightbox in images and galleries
  • fixed tiers CTA translation string
  • changed ivent library import method (add it to the head)

v1.1.0 - Feb 19, 2024

  • added Authors page template with list of authors of your blog
  • added separate templates: Post No CTA and Page Not CTA
  • added setting for customize Footer Copyright text
  • improved image sizes and lazy loading for better performance
  • improved post comments section heading
  • improved hero sections in the most of pages
  • fixed some WCAG issues - added aria attributes and hidden labels
  • fixed author Twitter social link
  • fixed AJAX cache of the first loaded page
  • changed sidebar with posts order to be after main content
  • removed settings to hide sections from homepage (hide these section using custom template or CSS)
  • minor changes and fixes

v1.0.0 - Jan 25, 2024

  • Initial release